This is an experiment in conveying meaning in as little information as possible. To illustrate a point, a book can convey an immense ammount of meaning, in fact several magnitudes more meaning than a high definition motion picture can. However, the HD file can be several Gigabytes worth of data. An, ebook file, on the other hand, can be only several megabytes of information. A format that is magnitudes lower in raw bits of information is magnitudes greater in potential meaning derived.How is this Possible? Well it all comes down to processing power. Yes, a desktop computer with an impressive Graphics card has a lot of processing and decoding power, but it pales in comparison to the powerhouse that is the human mind. Our brains are built to decode meaning from the information pool that is the world around us.
Consider symbolism. We have trained our minds through culture to associate symbols with sounds. From this we get our written languge. Some cultures, like the Chinese, primarily use pictoral symbols rather than phonetic symbols to convey written information. The simplest Pictoral symbols, such as the holy cross, can contain a very deep ocean of cultual. historical, archetypal, and personal meaning. Even symbols like a stop sign or price tags contain a vast degree of information that is culturally acquired.
I take inspiration in the Aricebo transmission that was sent by SETI. For such a tiny packet of information, a vast degree of information (And ultimately meaning) was being attempted to be sent in this exercise. Information about the basic shape of the human body, the basic shape of the antenna array transmitted from, the shape of our DNA, and the location of earth. For such a low bitrate image, a lot of conceptual information was being attempted to be sent out. Space is vast, and attenulation effects analog information moreso than digital. For this reason they tried to keep it simple. Weather this was all a futile exercise or not is up for debate. Either way, it holds true that there is value in simplified expressions of data. The search for intelligence is really a search for others that can decode meaning
UFO's are not what we think they are. UFO's are most likely extraterrestrial beings from other planets. They are known throughout history as more in the realm of demigods and angels, rather than that the carnal beings the typical extra-terrestrial assumption carries. They are, more likely extra-dimmensionals. If you were to pick an analogy from fiction, Star Trek's Q, the omnipotent trickster entiry from the Q continuum, would fit the nature of UFO entities better than any of the other alien races in the show (i.e. Ferangis, Klingons, Vulcans, etc). Q's metaphysical nature, in many ways parallels a metaphysical nature in UFO's. People who have seen them, often say that they can be conjured or summoned. There's no way that is the case if they are from Alpha-Centauri if they are being conjured. This demands a nonlocality that carnal beings do not possess. When one does happen on seeing a UFO, many report that the anomolous nature of thse objects is not simply restricted to their physical behavior. An intelligent agency is revealed through their synchonistic behavior. People often report even telepathic connections with the sited objects. The UFO's often times appear as metallic apparitions in the daytime, as well as luminous balls at night. It is quite likely that these entities manifest though electromagnetic phenomena. Their presence, though of an origin outside of space time, are made known through the way they influence plasma electricity in the atmosphere. When the fingerprents of these entities are detected as sitings, it should be understood that they are ultimately projections outside of spacetime. Crops circles are likely a part of his process. They are impressions made in our realm to inform us of their presence. If you think of our upper atmosphere or a crop field in the same way one thinks of a television. They are broadcasting impressions into our reality from their realm/continuum outside of linear, material reality. We exist in an linear flow. They exist in something perpindicular to or as an inverse of our linear flow.
The tastiest of all beans is, no doubt the navy bean. The Nation of Islam has extolled the values of this humble bean. claiming that one can live to 140 if you eat it every day. It is indeed very healthy and carries a mild, floral fragrence too. If mixed with pie spices, it is almost a desert. I urge everyone to try and grow this bean. The best way to prepare it is to soak it overnight, rinse it out, then slow cook in fresh water. Please refrain from using cans, as they are lined with BPA, a hormone disrupting compound. This page is not an endorsement of NOI teachings. However navy beans are quite delicious, and avoiding the eating of swine is a wise choice. Also, look up a recepie for the navy bean pie. It is absolutely amazing.
The human body is an alchemical vehicle for the development of spirit. We are spirit having a human experience. Consciousness is the foundation of reality. On some level we have always existed and always will, though we are presently trapped in a dark age, a time of amnesia and sleep. One day, consciousness will awake, and we will remember that we are all one singularity. Even mainstream astrophysics acknowledges the oneness of all by claims of the big bang having originated by a common singularity that all relativistic/times-space phenomena emerged out of. There is a grid-matrix tying together the entire universe, as there are particles that follow universally set rules. This is not unlike the nature of floating points in computer similations. Everything has to be tied to a common source for this to be true. The non-localized thing tying all of this together could very well be made of information or language in its purest and most distilled form, that of platonic archetypes. The universe could be contructed of a living language constructed of geometrical information. Information is formation at play and in flux. The information must be encompassed in the simple and most elegant descriptions of endless geometries for this to be the case.